Almost all the people who communicate or do transactions via the internet are concerned about their privacy. In fact, it is extremely important to ensure your privacy if you don’t want to run into any trouble in the future. Several methods are available for you to communicate or do transactions via internet while ensuring your privacy. Umbra can be considered as a perfect example for such a method.
What exactly is Umbra? Umbra can simply be defined as a complete solution for privacy. It was developed by Shadow Project after conducting an extensive research about the online privacy requirements of people. A lot of people are concerned about their online privacy, but they don’t have a clear understanding on the necessary measures that they need to take in order to ensure it. That’s the main reason why the developers of Umbra wanted to make it user friendly as much as possible.
Umbra comes along with a wide array of impressive features as well. These features range from communication to commerce. The entire platform is based on Shadow Network. As a result, it uses the private and untraceable currency offered by Shadow, which is known as Shadow Cash. People who use Shadow Cash are provided with the freedom and privacy to transfer cash according to the way they want. In other words, people who use Shadow Cash don’t need to worry about anything when doing transactions.
Another impressive feature about Umbra is its anonymous chat system. This messaging system is based on Shadow Chat. Shadow Chat is an encrypted and decentralized instant messaging system, which has the ability to keep all conversations private. In fact, all the messages that are sent through this system are encrypted by AES-256-CBC algorithm. Moreover, all the messages are transferred in between nodes in such a way to keep away all the recipients from being inferred by assailants. This chat system can be used to send direct messages to anyone completely secure and private. Or else, the users are provided with the freedom to organize team conversations through channels. In fact, the users can create a channel for a specific team or a topic. If you are planning to communicate sensitive information within a group, you can create a private channel while inviting the trusted team members.
As mentioned earlier, Umbra has been designed to deliver the best possible user experience to all the users. Therefore, any person will be able to access it and use available functionalities without much hassle. The setting up process is convenient as well and the users can easily get connected to I2P or Tor within a short period of time.
Umbra is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS operating systems. Moreover, it is backed up by an excellent community forum, which can be used to clarify all the doubts in your mind. Therefore, Umbra can be considered as the best system designed for people who are looking to do transactions and communications in a secure manner.